South 32 Appin OEM Upgrades Complete

1st November 2020

During the last quarter Appin underground coal mine took delivery and commissioned their second new pump station for the year. The unit was a duplicate of the system delivered earlier in 2020 and renews their longwall pump station fleet. Both systems were commissioned and in full production in under a week, reinforcing the benefits of the Longwall Hydraulics 'on power' factory acceptance testing process.

The testing for this second unit included automation testing with a fully overhauled and upgraded Substation supplied by AmpControl. The testing was supported by an AMPC automation engineer and mine site engineers, with testing conducted using 11Kv power allowing all functionality of the systems to be run and proven as part of our workshop FAT.

A big thanks to our local partners, particularly Pirtek, BHK and Dynelec for their support on the OEM program. Another great result for our customer.


