Valve Repairs

LW Hydraulics has a history of serving the Australian underground longwall mining sector since 1992. This company was founded on the simple concept of bringing a high level of quality and service to the aftermarket repair of electro-hydraulics roof support valves.

Over the last 25 years we have repaired over 150,000 valves for customers such as BHP Billiton, Xstrata, BMA, Peabody, Centennial and Anglo Coal.

We have prided ourselves on providing a quality service and have maintained an effective quality accreditation to AS/NZS ISO 9001:2000 system since 1996.

One of the highlights of the company track record would be the complete longwall valve overhaul of the Oaky Creek No.1 and No.2 longwall for Xstrata in 2005. LW Hydraulics tested and repaired every roof support valve on the face in only a few months. This project was a great success for all the involved. LW Hydraulics has also performed complete roof support valve overhauls for South 32, Mandalong, Alliance, Southlands and Central collieries.


LW Hydraulics has three hydraulic test rigs custom built for the testing of roof support control valves. These test rigs utilise calibrated pressure gauges and digital read outs and work to a pressure of 500 bar.

For solenoid repairs we use an oscilloscope which enables us to confirm that the clamp protection on the coil of solenoids is functioning accurately. All coils tested by LW Hydraulics are recorded in our database for future reference and traceability.

LW Hydraulics utilise a team of international suppliers and our own in-house CNC machines to ensure that our parts are of the highest quality.

Traceability and Reporting

Each valve is given a unique identification number by our customised database; this number is then stamped or engraved onto the valve body. All of our repaired valves are put through rigorous testing and test certificates are provided to our customers as required.

Our customised database maintains all valve repair history and information; this enables us to generate reports such as failure type and frequency, repair turnaround times and other reports that can be customised to suit the individual needs of each customer. This information can assist with budgeting, evaluating systems and maintenance planning.